Welcome to the sixth project in our Top React JS Projects for Beginners 2023-2024: Learn & Build journey. This will be the second project that has been built in 2024.
This tutorial offers a straightforward guide on how to build an interactive and beginner-friendly todo application with a simple UI/UX. The technologies to build this React JS application include Next.js, TypeScript, and TailWind CSS. The todo application is a practice tool that is used to manage tasks by many people daily. It helps you to remind yourself what needs to be done and encourages people to stay motivated by accomplishing them. Thanks to this simple yet powerful feature, it is the application that a lot of people are interested in to build it themselves (like yourself!).
That being said, let’s get started and I hope you have lots of fun following this tutorial.
Design And Requirements
This section shows the design and requirements to build the todo application.
If you want to build the application on your own without following the guide, you can refer to this section to successfully build the todo application.
NOTE: If you have a different taste of mine in terms of the design, don’t hesitate to play around with it and change them!
The image below is the final outcome of our todo application.

Since this tutorial will contain a lot of CSS styling, I can’t give you every single detail of them. However, I will give you the general colors and fonts that I’ve used to build this application.
– App background color: bg-stone-100
– Task card (incomplete) color: bg-white, border-red-200
– Task card (complete) color: bg-green-500, border-red-200
– Add button and text: text-gray-500, FaPlus
– Create button: hover:bg-blue-500, hover:border-blue-500
– Complete button: hover:bg-green-500, hover:border-green-500, FaCheck
– Undo (Revert) button: hover:bg-yellow-500, hover:border-yellow-500, FaUndo
These are the requirements of the todo application.
The todo application can:
– Show a new task card when AddTask
icon or text is clicked
– Show the newly created task card and AddTask
icon and text below the card when the create button is clicked
– Change the color of the card to green and do not allow to type in the card when the complete button is clicked
– Change the color of the card to white and allow to type in the card when the undo (revert) button is clicked
With the design and requirements all laid out, let’s get to the hands-on coding and start building the todo application.
Each step on this tutorial will include corresponding code examples to help you understand better. However, if you decide to just read it through and check out the code I posted on my Github, you can visit this todo application Github repo.
Setting Up Next.js App
The todo application will be based on Next.js just like the previous tutorial (the flashcard application). If you have previously completed the flashcard tutorial, you probably already know how to set up the Next.js application. However, for the new readers who are just starting out Next.js, I will outline the steps below.
Below are the steps to set up the Next.js application.
npx create-next-app@latest
Then, you will see some prompts that ask some questions regarding project configuration. You can accept the default values for all the questions.

Once the process is successfully completed, you should be able to see the project folder structure like the below image.

You can now go into the project folder that you just created and start the local Next.js server!
cd todo
npm run dev
If you click on the link (http://localhost:3000) that’s provided or type it in the browser URL, then you should be able to see the bootstrapped Next.js page.

Create Todo Page
Implement basic todo page
Let’s create a page for todo tasks. We are going to call this page ‘todo‘. This means that we need to create a route that is http://localhost:3000/todo.
Before we start adding contents into the todo page, let’s get rid of the global CSS styling that came with initial Next.js setup. Remove everything in globals.css
file except these three lines.
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
This will give us clean state of CSS styling. As a next step, let’s create a folder called todo
under the app
folder and add a file page.tsx

Inside the page.tsx
, let’s include some basic content.
Now, if you go to the todo endpoint (/todo) in browser URL, then you should be able to see the welcome message displayed.

Since the todo
folder we added has the page.tsx
, we have the /todo
endpoint. As we pointed out in the previous Flashcard tutorial, this is the Next.js’ feature.
Refactor welcome message to header component
The applications from the previous tutorials had the welcome message in a main page as a component. From the current tutorial, we are going to take advantage of Next.js. Next.js has a file called layout.tsx
. You might have noticed this file along with the page.tsx
that has been created in the beginning. As the name suggests, the layout.tsx
file is how the page is going to be laid out. Here is the detailed explanation from the Next.js official documentation for layouts.
Let’s create a folder components
under the app
folder. Then, create a file Header.tsx
under the components

Then, let’s move the welcome message to Header.tsx
Once we have the Header.tsx
component, we can apply this to global layout, which is layout.tsx
file under the app
Finally, we can remove the welcome message from the page.tsx
under todo
Perfect, you should be able to see the same welcome message as above.
Set todo page as main page
Our todo application doesn’t require users to sign in to use the service. So, this means that we can set the /todo endpoint as our main page. This can be achieved by adding a simple line of code in our main page.
Add this line below to the page.tsx
under app
Now, when you access http://localhost:3000, it will automatically redirect to http://localhost:3000/todo.
Create Add Task Button
Implement the Add Task icon and text
Let’s start with building a button that would make us be able to add a new task. This will contain a plus (+) icon as well as ‘Add Task‘ text. Create a file AddButton.tsx
under the todo
In order to add a plus icon, we need to first install react-icons package.
npm install react-icons --save
Then, we can use this AddButton
component in our page.
If we go back to the browser, we should be able to see something like this:

Refactor the code into ToDo component
Our code is successfully working, but I’d like to have a better separation by abstracting some HTML tags into components.
Let’s create a file ToDo.tsx
under the todo
folder. After creating the file, we can move the code that we used in page.tsx
Then, we can simply use ToDo
component in page.tsx
Awesome! Personally, I find this to offer improved semantics, and it will facilitate other developers in swiftly engaging with the code.
Create Task Card
Implement Card component
The Card component would be the main component in our todo application. This component will hold a space (textarea) for user input and a button (add, complete, or undo depending on the status of the task). Create a file Card.tsx
under the components

Here is the code for the Card.tsx
for now. This will be modified as the tutorial progresses.
We can use this Card
component in our ToDo
Now our application would look like this.

Don’t worry about the Card
component and the AddButton
component showing right next to each other. We are going to make a change so that we can only see either one at a time.
Implement NewTask component
Like we mentioned above, we are going to show either the new task or the add task button. When we click the AddTask
button, it will disappear and show the new task card. When we click the create
button (which we haven’t implemented yet) in the new task, it will register the new task as our task and show the AddTask
button again below the new task.
Let’s go ahead and create a file NewTask.tsx
under todo

We can add content this in NewTask.tsx
for now. This should let you click on Add Task
button and open up a new task card.
We can use NewTask
component in the ToDo
Since we are now able to open up a new task card, we need to be able to add this task to our task list by clicking create
button on the task card. First, let’s implement the create
button inside the task card. Create a file CreateButton.tsx
under the todo

Then the code below is what I wrote for the CreateButton.tsx
We can use the CreateButton
component inside the Card
We also need to modify the NewTask
component as well because we are maintaining isNewTaskClicked
state from the NewTask
. That’s why we are passing down handleOnTaskClicked
handler to the CreateButton
If you click on AddTask
button, then it should switch to NewTask
component with the CreateButton
component. The new task card with the CreateButton
component would look like this.

Excellent! Good job on following through the tutorial. At the moment, all it’s doing is toggling between AddTask
button and the NewTask
component. Our next goal is to add a new task into the list of tasks when the create
button is clicked.
You might have noticed that we have some duplicate codes for the buttons. So, before we start implementing the adding a task into the list feature, let’s refactor our code.
In our todo application, we are using two types of buttons. One button type contains only an icon, while the other type consists solely of text. Let’s take care of the buttons that only have an icon. Create a file called IconButton.tsx
under the components

Then, we can implement IconButton.tsx
We are using an icon only inside the AddButton.tsx
. We can replace the button with the icon with IconButton
component now.
Next, we also have a button that has text only, which is a create
button. We are going to create a file TextButton.tsx
under the components

Here is the code for the TextButton
component. It is very similar to IconButton
component but slightly different.
The CreateButton
component only has the text inside. So, we can replace button
element implementation to TextButton
Perfect! Now, go back to your application and test to see if everything is working intended. It’s essential to run some tests after each refactoring. In our case, since we are not writing any test code, we can manually check whether the application is running correctly.
Implement The Functionalities
Until this point of the tutorial we basically created most of components that the application needs. Now the fun parts begin – interactivity!
Add a new task into the task list
The CreateButton
that we have now doesn’t actually add a new task into the task list. It just toggles the AddButton
component back to the browser. But this is not exactly what we want, is it? We want to add this new task to the task list. In order for this to work, we need to have a state that stores tasks. The ToDo
component will be the right place to have this.
Next, we are going to have a state for the new task in the NewTask
Since the function handleCreateButtonClick
is being passed down as a prop handleCreateTaskOnClick
, we need to modify the Card
component as well.
Go back to the browser and then test the application out. If you click the create
button, it should be adding a task into the task list.

Update the new task content
Although we are able to add a new task into the task list, the task doesn’t have any content saved. This is because we haven’t implemented saving the content of the new task.
The state newTask
resides in the NewTask
component. So, we need to implement a handler here and pass it down to the Card
Now, when you input some texts in the user input area and hit the create
button, we can see the content actually is showing for each task.

Show the existing tasks
Now that the tasks inside the task list have contents , let’s proceed to display them. To achieve this, we’ll need to make some adjustments to the ToDo
and Card
Let’s start with the ToDo
Then, we can use content
prop in the Card
NOTE: I’ve passed some other things as props along with content
. This is because they are going to be used soon for other functionalities.
If you go back to the browser and add new tasks, they will show up with the content you typed in.

Awesome! But you might have noticed that after the existing tasks show up, if you try to modify them, the content won’t change. This is what we are going to take care of next.
Modify the existing tasks
Currently, the Card
component is being used in two places. One place is the ToDo
component and another one is the NewTask
component. When the content of the card in the NewTask
is being updated, what’s really being updated is the newTask
state. If we want to modify the existing card, we would have to modify the tasks
state which is in the ToDo
So, let’s go ahead and implement a function that can take care of both cases in the Card
component. You can think of this function as a controller that decides which function to call.
If you look at what’s inside the handleOnChange
function, you can see we are calling two different functions: handleNewTaskContentChange
and handleContentChange
. We already have the handleNewTaskContentChange
function but there is a small change we need to make in the NewTask
component. Since we need to distinguish whether the card is new or not, we need to pass isNew
flag into the Card
component in the NewTask
Next, we need to implement handleContentChange
function in the ToDo
Now, you should be able to modify the existing tasks as well as the new task card. 🙂

Implement Complete And Undo Button
As a task management application, users should have the ability to mark tasks as completed or mark them as incomplete. At the moment, if you create a task, you will still see the complete button on the task card. We are going to change this to an icon button that has a check mark with the green background.
Let’s create a file CompleteButton.tsx
under the todo

Then we can implement the CompleteButton
component like below.
The CompleteButton
component will reside in the Card
component. So, we would need to make a change to the Card
component as well.
Let me explain what have changed here. For now, we are conditionally rendering the CreateButton
and the CompleteButton
based on the isNew
. Later on, we are going to add one more condition to render UndoButton
. We’ve also added the handleCompleteOnClick
function which is calling the handleCompleteChange
function that is passed as a prop. The reason that this function is being passed a prop is because that we are modifying the complete
field in each task. The tasks are managed in the ToDo
Depending on the complete
prop, we are changing the styles of the card. On top of that, we are making the card as read-only mode if the task is completed.
Now then, let’s modify the last component: ToDo
If you click on the complete button, then you should be able to see the task changed.

Occasionally, situations arise where we need to undo a completed task. This could be due to accidental clicks on the completion button or because a task was mistakenly believed to be finished when it wasn’t. 🙁
Let’s create a file called UndoButton.tsx
under the todo

The UndoButton
component will be the exactly same thing as the CompleteButton
but with a different icon and color.
Now, we can add one more condition to render the UndoButton
component inside the Card
You should be able to undo the completed task after clicking the undo button.

Excellent job on making it through until the end! Now you have the fully working todo application on your hand. This is the end of our sixth React JS step-by-step tutorial.

From this tutorial, we were able to learn the following:
– How to set up React JS application featured by Next.js
– How to create buttons that contain icon or text only
– How to conditionally render components
– How to update props being passed down to children components
– How to utilize the handler functions being passed down to children components
– How to create re-usable components by refactoring
If you’re planning to improve your skills further, you’re welcome to enhance the Todo application by adding more features on to it. Here are some ideas that I can think of to improve:
– Add a strike-through when the task is completed
– Add a separate section that has completed tasks only
– Add a cool animation on task completion or un-doing
– Add a functionality that blocks creating tasks with empty content
I hope you enjoyed building the Todo application and thank you again for reading. If you are interested in making more React JS projects for beginners, then you can check out our Top React JS Projects for Beginners 2023-2024: Learn & Build post.
If you have thoughts or any feedbacks on the post, be sure to leave a comment.
I also write articles on Medium, so make sure to check them out on medium/@codingnotes.
Happy coding!
Nice app tutorial.
Hi YT,
Thank you!